Deciding On A Brand Name:

First of all, I mind-mapped lots of different name ideas. I didn’t necessarily want to limit the name to have “pantry” or “fridge” included because my app could have access to both of those and a freezer. I liked the names Shelf Life, Date Detective, Use It Up or Eat Smart. I asked my peers which they prefered and the name Shelf Life came up a few times so I went for that.

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Sketching A Wordmark

I wasn’t really sure about the direction to take my wordmark but I thought I would be able to use the word shelf quite literally and I liked the idea of having part of my wordmark lying on a shelf. I also liked the idea of splitting the word home how - potentially incorporating both ideas. I thought that the “shelf” at an angle could work well. This is because the typeface, Josefin Sans, I have chosen to use has some tilted letters such as the lower case e’s.


Creating The Wordmark

I used Adobe Illustrator to create my wordmark. Although I’m not really confident with it, I do lean towards it for creating these sorts of things as I find it easier to manipulate certain letters by first of all adding text and then creating them as outlines. This gave me a good basis to start moulding my letters and removing sections as if a shelf had been there.

I also tried the colour variations both ways but I much preferred the lighter colour to be on the bottom half.

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This is my finished wordmark:

Rounding the edges to add the finishing touches

Rounding the edges to add the finishing touches