To get me back on track during the easter break, I made a to-do list of the next priorities of my app, Shelf Life. I broke these down into smaller tasks and will be working on them going back to class after the break.


Adding Micro-Interactions to buttons

To create a micro-interaction with the buttons, I chose to make them have more depth when hovering and to have a slightly lighter colour when pressing on it.

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 20.05.37.png

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 20.18.21.png

Freezer and Cupboard Mockup

I found it a bit more difficult to mockup a freezer compared to the fridge as they are both combined so I highlighted around the freezer in a different colour. I also did a drawing on Procreate of the inside of a cupboard.

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 20.05.19.png

Another Ingredients Page

I added another ingredients page this time in the fruit category. I added three different recipe ideas for this.

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 20.05.51.png