Food waste is an issue that affects not only the environment but also the economy and our wallets. According to the United Nations, one-third of all food produced in the world is wasted every year, which amounts to about 1.3 billion tons. Not only does this waste put a strain on natural resources, but it also contributes to climate change.

Causes of Food Waste

Food waste can occur at any stage of the food supply chain, from production to consumption. Primary causes of food waste:

  1. Overproduction: Farmers may produce more food than is necessary to meet demand, leading to waste if the surplus is not sold or donated
  2. Quality Standards: Retailers and consumers often have strict quality standards, leading to perfectly good food being thrown away if it doesn't meet those standards - although sometimes they can be sold at a reduced rate
  3. Consumer Waste: Consumers waste food by purchasing too much and not consuming it before it goes bad, and by not using leftovers
  4. Poor Storage: Improper storage of food can lead to spoilage, which results in waste


How to Reduce Food Waste


First Hand Research

I had seen a lot of people online saying that one of the reasons they have food waste at home is because they forget what groceries they have. I have heard my brother mention this before, he finds that with his ADHD, once the groceries are put away ie. into drawers of the fridge, he completely forgets that he has bought them and put them there (out of sight, out of mind.) I wanted to learn a little bit more about this and therefore asked him a few questions before I am to make a questionnaire for research.
