Having now created my smartwatch UI screens, I had to start thinking about creating a PDF for presenting them. This is when I discovered that I would be benefical to create a brand screen for them. So I put together a brand for ‘Moody’ and ‘Moodcast’. I came up with these names by brain storming ideas.


This led me on to design a wordmark for them to be added onto the watch screens. Here is what I came up with:


moody apple watch.png

I keept ‘Moody’ quite fun with the use of different coloured letters. These colours are used in the emotion characters. For ‘Moodcast’ I added one of the smiley faces playing on the double O letters and added a sun in the corner.

Next I drew a plan for how I would like to lay it out. I decided to switch it up and try one portrait and one landscape.



Finally, I put together my designs on Figma. I used an A4 frame and exported as a PDF.

Moody Watch PDF.pdf

Moodcast Watch PDF.pdf