Initially, I had a few different ideas. The first was to just have a vertical scroll single page that would have different micro and macro interactions such as a rocket moving in the background etc. The second was to create a space display using just planets and each planet would represent a stage in the Apollo 11 journey. Finally, the last and most complex idea was to use the figure of 8 shaped mission as my inspiration and create a journey following this shape with different stop-offs along the way.
I decided to wireframe my first idea as a basis that I could also follow for the other ideas. Doing this definitely gave me more ideas for macro interactions that I could include however it did seem quite simplistic and safe for me.
I began by creating low-fi mockups of my initial idea, I wasn’t very careful in terms of exact layout and content (as I still want to minimise some of the body-copy content down a bit) however I still put it together to get a look and feel for the idea.
As mentioned before, another one of my ideas was to use the figure of 8 journey as my narrative for the prototype. Having taken both of these ideas/mockups to Kyle, he agreed with me that this idea is definitely the better option and it will push me out of my comfort zone a lot more than the other one. I think I definitely need to do that a lot more in my design work as there is a limit to my design capabilities if I constantly play it safe.
(These screenshots are not in exact order)